"The preoccupations of young women don't seem to change much from generation to generaton. But in every generation there seem to be a few who make other choices." Elisabeth Elliot.
The Lord has been challenging my heart this week so deeply. I had a dream the other night in which my heart was laid bare before Jesus. There wasnt any words spoken, nor was there a need. All that was there, He knew, and I was yielded. Repentant. Open.
Perhaps it doesn't seem so exciting the idea of being broken and open before Jesus. Yet it was.
For suddenly there was nothing between Him and I.
As Ive gone about this week, the dream has stayed with me. The days passing have brought it meaning. I realize that what He is asking of me, is obedience, a willing choice to honour Him with the smallest of decisions in my heart.
Simple choices as to what I let entertain me. What I choose to listen to. Speak. What I choose to think upon. What I choose to wear. What I glance over. I wonder, if there was a Pinterest board, for these kind of images that we as woman, that I, Fleur, set as 'delights', what would that board look like? If we saw it all collated into one board, would it reflect the things of Jesus Christ?
Its not that I believe that its wrong to like things that are creative and beautiful. I love beautiful things! But does my heart find its fullness and purpose there, or do those things push me further into loving Jesus?
I allowed my heart to consider today, if my souls Pinterest board would boast the character of Christ? Would it be filled with the sweetness of His presence. Would it show time spent on my knees. Would it show images of perfume poured out. Would it have tears of pain for the hurting and broken. Would it show the cross? Would it reflect the powerful radiance of His being? Would it show steadfastness and a willingness to forego comfort for eternal joy?
I want that knowing of HIS life. I want a life that reflects as Psalm 1, a woman whose delight is in the Lord. Wholeheartedly and singularly His. A heart that seeks His opinion, that prefers Him. A life that lives for His praise. Eyes that light up with His truth.
Jesus. I hear your call. I hear you beckoning me above the dreams for which Ive defined myself. I hear you calling me into dreams of things Ive yet to know. And I will obey.
Fleur, I so needed to see this. Thank you once again for your raw honesty and inspiration! x