Wednesday, 28 August 2013

MISSION Gabriel's Oboe

I was reading this awesome post today..

So awesome! I think I could well describe our marriage mission statement, its been 10 years in the refining and ever comes back to the Cross. But I think Sam, the head and leader of our home, would be best fit to articulate that mission. I did pause, however, to stop and consider what my wife mission statement looks like.

For a moment, I felt like I was dreaming of wedding vows again. It thrust me back to ten and a half years ago, and the day Sam and I decided we would attempt writing our wedding vows. Alone with our note pads, we scrawled out words and the purposes of our hearts. We attempted, somewhat youthfully, to articulate the commitment we were making to one another in full. And then we came together again and read our vows out. The truth is, we shed some tears, and laughed some... there were so many words and we had visions of our audience sleeping through it all.. so after all that, we came back to the traditional vows, as we felt that they articulated our own, without, well, so many words.

On our wedding day, I walked down the aisle to Ennio Morricone, Gabriels Oboe, The mission. My mission! To love Samuel James Cahill. We managed to hold back the tears long enough to say our vows with all gusto. Perhaps only Sam and I really understanding how much was behind everything said.

 Ten and a half years on, I think those vows define my mission statement as a wife, more aptly then ever:

Samuel James Cahill, I take you to be my husband
I take your name, I take the honour to be your bride, your prize. And in doing so, I purpose to be one that reflects the vision and nobility of your life- that all who see me, will know that you are a good man, a God fearing man. I purpose to seek Gods Word to live my life to His glory, and in doing so, to esteem Jesus, the champion and cord of who we are. Proverbs 31:23

To have and to hold from this day forward
I give you all that I am and purpose to guard sacredly all that you are. I purpose to care for my body as belonging to you, and to care for yours, and belonging to me. I will guard our intimacy as a secret garden, keeping my deepest emotions and thoughts hidden in Jesus, that it may be a place of beauty and colour for you and you alone.

For better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health
I purpose to be your greatest asset, no matter the circumstances;
to smile in the storm, and let my face warm your day
to keep my voice tender and sweet
to affirm and encourage you with wisdom
to grace our home with faith, peace and joy
to pray for you daily and seek God to be the greatest cheerleader to you
to be industrious with my hands, efficient with my time, and use our resources to His best
to be content with little and with much
to minister to you with all my heart, even when you are unable to return it

To love and to cherish
I purpose to hold the Cross centre of all I am, all I do, and to love you unconditionally, as He has loved me, I purpose to create in our marriage a place of flourishing and life. To seek God with all my heart, that our marriage will nourish you, and be a place for you to grow in the Lord. I purpose to hold nothing back from you, to allow Gods Word to create in me a place where every delicacy is held for you. Song of Songs 7:13

As long as we both shall live
As long as I am alive, my love, I will count it my greatest honour, my highest mission and calling, to be Mrs. Samuel Cahill... and then let there be no more me.. just Jesus you see.

I love you.
Your flower.

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